Worth Commandery No. 19, Knights Templar
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Rules and Regulations
Name & Number
Section 1. The name and number of this Commandery shall be “Worth Commandery No. 19, Knights Templar.”
Article II
*Section 1. The stated conclaves of this Commandery shall be held on the First Thursday of each month except July, August and December at 7:00 p.m. No stated conclaves shall be held during the months of July, August and December. The stated conclave in January shall be held on the second Tuesday thereof at 7:00 p.m. when the first Thursday thereof shall fall on the first day of January.
Section 2. Special Conclaves may be called by the Commander at his discretion, or by order of the Commandery.
Section 3. No business shall be transacted at a special conclave except that specified in the original notice or summons.
Officers and Elections
Section 1. The officers of this Commandery shall be the Commander, Generalissimo, Captain General, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Prelate, Treasurer, Recorder, Standard Bearer, Sword Bearer, Warder, Sentinel and 3 or more Guards.
Section 2. The Commander, Generalissimo, Captain General, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Prelate, Treasurer and Recorder shall be elected by ballot at the stated conclave in November of each year.
Section 3. The Standard Bearer, Sword Bearer, Warder, Sentinel and Guards shall be appointed by the Commander-elect.
Section 4. The several officers shall hold and discharge the duties of their respective offices until their successors are duly elected, or appointed, and installed .
Duties of Officers
Section 1. The officers of this Commandery shall perform the duties prescribed by the Ritual, the Edicts or Statutes of the Grand Encampment, or the Statutes of the Grand Commandery of Texas, and such other duties as may be prescribed by the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of this Commandery.
Section 2. It shall be the special duty of the Commander:
First: To see that the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of this Commandery are duly observed, as well as the Constitution, Statutes, Rituals, Rules and Edicts of the Grand Encampment of the United States, and the Constitution, Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery of Texas.
Second: That accurate records are kept and just accounts rendered.
Third: That regular returns are made to the Grand Commandery annually, and that the annual dues are promptly paid.
Fourth: On or before January 1st each year, he shall employ a competent Public Accountant to examine and audit the Accounts of the Recorder and Treasurer annually as of December 31st of the calendar year, immediately preceding. The Auditor’s report is to be full and complete and in line with the Annual Reports required of the Recorder and Treasurer; the said reports to be submitted at the first stated conclave in January. The expense of this audit is to be paid by the Commandery.
Fifth: It shall be his duty, together with the Generalissimo and Captain General, to attend all Conclaves of the Grand Commandery of Texas.
Section 3. In the event of the absence, death or disability of the first three officers of this Commandery, the Junior Past Commander shall assume the office and discharge the duties of Commander.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall perform such duties as are prescribed by the Constitution, Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery of Texas, and, in addition, shall receive and be the custodian of the funds of this Commandery; he shall keep a just and correct record of the same and pay the same out upon orders of the Commandery or the Commander attested by the Recorder; he shall submit a detailed report of receipts and disbursements annually as of December 31st of each year, and he shall be exempt from dues. He shall furnish surety bond in the amount of $10,000.00, the premium to be paid by this Commandery.
Section 5. The duties of the Recorder shall be:
First: To issue notices to the members to attend the stated and special conclaves, and in notices for special conclaves he shall, under direction of the Commander, state the particular business to be transacted.
Second: He shall issue a summons to attend conclaves of the Commandery when so directed by the Commander or Commandery.
Third: He shall keep correct minutes of all the transactions of this Commandery.
Fourth: He shall collect and receive all dues, fees, assessments and revenues of this Commandery, and promptly pay the same over to the Treasurer and take his receipt for the same.
Fifth: He shall submit an annual report, showing in detail all monies received by him for fees and dues; deposits for uniforms; other miscellaneous receipts; his payments to the Treasurer; balances on hand in each fund; the number of members at the date of the last report; the number knighted since; number dimitted or suspended since last report; deaths, if any; number admitted by affiliation; total membership to date; and such other matters as may be ordered by this Commandery. These reports shall be compiled to close of business on the last day of the month of December of each year. He shall keep a just and accurate account with each member of the Commandery, charging said member with the annual dues for each year, and giving him a written receipt for all dues paid, and report a list of all delinquents at the stated conclave in November of each year.
Sixth: He shall have the custody of the seal of the Commandery, and shall affix it to all papers requiring the same; and shall carefully preserve all petitions, reports and other records of the Commandery.
Seventh: He shall report annually to the Grand Recorder the roll of Officers and members and such other matters as may conduce to the general good of the Order, as may be required by the Grand Commandery and shall accompany said report with the amount of dues and fees due the Grand Commandery. He shall also regularly transmit to the Grand Commander and Grand Recorder of the Grand Commandery, copies of all the By-Laws and Regulations adopted by this Commandery.
Eighth: He shall submit his books to an examination whenever required so to do by this Commandery or by the Grand Commandery of Texas.
Ninth: As compensation for his services, the Recorder shall receive monthly such sum as may be fixed by the Finance Committee and approved by the Commandery and shall be exempt from dues. He shall furnish surety bond in the amount of $10,000.00, the premium to be paid by the Commandery.
Tenth: He shall furnish monthly to the Commander, Finance Committee and Treasurer a financial statement in such form as may be required by the Committee.
Section 6. It shall be the duty of the Sentinel:
First: To attend the conclaves if this Commandery, to serve summons and perform all other duties appertaining to his office.
Second: He shall have immediate charge of the arms, asylum, furniture, jewels and paraphernalia of this Commandery and see that the same are kept in good condition for the transaction of business and the comfort of the members.
Third: As compensation for his services the Sentinel shall receive such sum as may be fixed by the Finance Committee and approved by the Commandery and he shall be exempt from dues.
Committees and Duties
Section 1. The Commander shall upon his installation or as soon thereafter as practicable, appoint the following standing committees, who shall perform the duties of same during the Templar year and until their successors are duly appointed.
First: A Finance Committee of not less than three, nor more than five, members.
Second: A Committee on the Sick and Distressed of three members.
Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Finance Committee to attend all stated conclaves of this Commandery, examine and approve all just claims against the Commandery and submit to the stated Conclave in January a budget of estimated expenses and income for the current fiscal year.
Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Sick and Distressed to visit all sick Sir Knights when requested so to do by the Commander, to examine and report upon all cases of distress referred to them by the Commander of Commandery and make such recommendations for relief as they may deem warranted.
Section 4. Membership Committee. It shall be the duty of the Membership Committee to endeavor to organize an effective program of, soliciting and obtaining from eligible brethren petitions for the Or ders of the Commandery, reinstatement of suspended worthy Sir Knights and obtaining affiliation petitions of resident Sir Knights of other Commanderies not in the local jurisdiction.
Petitions and Fees
Section 1. Every petition for the Orders or for membership shall be signed in full by the applicant, who must be recommended by at least two members of this Commandery, and presented at a stated or special Conclave. Such petition shall be referred to a special committee of three members who shall report at the stated or special Conclave after the reception of the petition. And if elected, orders may be conferred at any stated or called Conclave, provided the Conclave is not called to be held on the night of the election of officers.
*Section 2. The fee for the Orders of Knighthood in this Commandery shall be Two Hundred ($200.00) dollars, and shall in all cases accompany the petition.
Section 3. Unless a candidate to receive the Orders shall present himself within twelve months after receiving notice of his election it shall be void.
Section 4. There shall be no fee charged for affiliation.
Annual Dues and how Collected
*Section 1. Each member shall pay annually dues in the sum of One Hundred Fifteen ($115.00) dollars in advance and same shall become due and payable on the first day of January of each year.
Section 2. All members except Honorary Members, Life Members, the Treasurer, Recorder and Sentinel, shall be required to pay dues.
Section 1. The Commander shall at his discretion order special conclaves for drill at any time, and may have summons issued and mailed to resident members to attend the same; provided, however, that conclaves for drill shall not be fewer in number than are required by the Grand Commandery.
Section 2. Any member summoned to attend a conclave for drill or other purpose and failing to obey the same, or render to the Commander sufficient reason therefore, shall be deemed guilty of unknightly conduct and may be cited to appear and show cause why he should not be disciplined for same.
Section 1. Any amendment proposed to these By-Laws, Rules and Regulations must be presented in writing and read at a stated conclave and no final action shall be taken thereon until the succeeding stated conclave, and no amendment shall be adopted without the consent of two-thirds of the members present.
Rules of Order
Section 1. The following shall be the Order of Business for stated conclaves provided that the same may be set aside or the order transposed for any single conclave by the unanimous vote of the members present, to-with:
1. Calling the Roll of Officers.
2. Reading of unapproved records.
3. Petitions presented and referred.
4. Balloting on Candidates for Knighthood or affiliation.
5. Reports of Special Committees.
6. Unfinished Business.
7. Reports of Standing Committees.
8. Motions and Resolutions in writing.
9. Miscellaneous Business.
Section 2. When a member is about to speak, he shall rise from his seat and respectfully address the Commander; and in speaking of any other officer or Sir Knight, he shall do so with Knightly courtesy characteristic of the order, or subject himself to reprimand.
Section 3. When the Commander is addressing the Commandery, or when a member is speaking, it shall be out of order for any Sir Knight to enter, go out of, or cross the asylum, or hold private conversation.
Section 4. Every motion or resolution, when requested, shall be put in writing by the member offering the same.
Section 5. No member shall speak more than twice on the same motion unless he obtain permission of the Commander, and only then for the purpose of explanation.
Integrity, Obedience, Courage
Worth Commandery #19, Knights Templar
1100 Henderson Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76102
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1320
Fort Worth, Texas 76101-1320
questions/comments to: webmaster
1100 Henderson Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76102
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1320
Fort Worth, Texas 76101-1320
questions/comments to: webmaster